Falling at the First Hurdle…..Getting Out of Bed Early

comfy bedAhhhhhhhhhhhh, bed! Look at that picture, look at the fluffy pillows just sat there patiently waiting for a tired, heavy head to sink into them. The covers, lay in wait ready to mould themselves around a weary body like a night-time vacuum pack.

I love being in bed. As a teenager I used to often fantasise about having a bedroom that was just one giant bed. I seriously think that if I didn’t have a job, family, friends and boyfriend then I would spend my whole life in bed. Lack of accountability in life for me would mean a permanent sleep. When I wake up in the morning, on a morning when I am not going to work I lie there thinking about how good it is to be in bed. The warmth, the comfy mattress, the weight if the covers on my body. I snuggle down further under the quilt and I am in absolute paradise. If it wasn’t for the fact that my boyfriend would think I was a complete lazy sod and if it wasn’t for the fact I had jobs to do I wouldn’t get out of bed at all. I love my bed.

Some people have criticised my love of being in bed. ‘Why would you want to be permanently in bed? What a waste of your life!’ And yes, to some degree I agree with them. Some people would see the accountability comment as the fact that I have no life, nothing to get up for, but this simply isn’t true. I just love my bed more than I love other things in my life and I REALLY love some of the things in my life.

Like my old post though, where I discussed my love of tv, it is a love hate relationship. Whilst I love my bed, I hate that I love it so much. I hate that it ties me in to its fibres making it ridiculously difficult to get out. I hate that I set my alarm clock for 7 o’clock the next morning with every intention of bounding out of bed on my days off and LIVE my life, only for my bed to tempt me to hit the snooze button. before you know it, it’s half past nine (okay, okay, more like half past ten!) and I have ‘wasted’ the first three hours of the day being in bed.

This is definitely one of the things on my ‘Things to Address in 2013’ list. I did a bit of research about this last year, about how I might go about tackling the issue. The result? Well, the result requires will power which I clearly don’t have otherwise I wouldn’t have the bloody problem in the first place! One thing I am going to give a go this year is hypnotherapy. I have been considering this for a while now but I have decided that this year I might dip my toes in the water. I am initially going to try it to help with my spot picking issue as I feel that first of all this may not take as long to sort out compared to my other issues the result being it won’t cost as much and secondly it will give me the chance to see if it actually works for me before I waste a ridiculous amount of money on it to help with my other issues i.e. weightloss.