It Was All Going So Well……..

….and then it all went down hill. Pretty much from Monday evening to be exact. I had a reasonably healthy tea and every intention of doing lots of focused schoolwork but I just couldn’t muster up the energy or enthusiasm to do the work. So then I got bored, my boyfriend was working nights so I got lonely and what is my usual way to combat these things? Eat! So I did.
I then allowed this no work/eating frenzy to continue on for the rest of the week. Highlights include a whole pizza to my self on tuesday (shop bought so not quite as bad as take out, but still, a whole frickin pizza!) Topped off with four big tripple chocolate cookies and McDonalds on Wednesday. Friday my boyfriend had driven to southhampton and back in a day so by the time he got home and we had been shopping we were both knackered and hungry so takeaway pizza, garlic bread and chips it was. The only redeeming thing on Friday was that I actually came home and did some work for the first time that week whilst I waited for him to get home.
Weekend involved an 8 hour round drive to Gloucestershire with my boyfriend for him to do a monster truck driving experience day. Which was amazing by the way, I now want a monster truck. If I carry on eating like this I’m going to need one to tow me around! Anyway, 8 hours on the road resulted in McDonald’s breakfast, two chocolate bars and KFC for tea.
As you can imagine I haven’t weighed myself this week. Sometimes after a crap week it helps if I weigh myself to shock me back to reality. The shame, disappointment and annoyance I am feeling typing this now is enough to make me realise the chaos of this week and also enough self punishment. If I beat myself up anymore by weighing and logging a backwards step then I risk throwing myself completely off the wagon. As it is, last week I was dangling by one arm off the back of the wagon with my feet bumping along the road but today I feel like I’ve managed to get a grip with the other arm too and pull my legs up. Tomorrow I haul myself comfortably back on it. Failure is not an option, blips will happen. I WILL DO THIS.

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