A New Old Plan v278.3

I’ve been crap on all accounts. I have eaten nothing but crap and too much of it. I have done far too much sitting on my arse watching TV. I have done some but not nearly enough of the work or jobs I had written about in the last post or tracked any calories. I have spent the last three weeks making myself empty promises about how I will get out of bed at 7.30, how I will start schoolwork before 9 o’clock and how I will work solidly all day without the TV on. I am still feeling completely overwhelmed, stressed and dreading going back to work.

To be honest I can’t be bothered to even write this because its the same old drivel that I keep writing, going round and round in circles affirming myself to the same old thing and then not actually doing it. I’m hoping that the more times you do something the more likely it is to work or be right?? Even Einstein didn’t finalise his maths on the theory of relativity on the first go now did he! So for what its worth here I am doing it again!

Whilst the thought of going back to work on Monday is terrifying me in diet terms it’s a good thing as the routine helps to keep me on track. So on that basis the plan is:

  • Weigh myself tomorrow morning to assess the damage of the last few weeks and face up to the fact that I have probably put all my weight back on.
  • Plan meals a week in advance and track calories on myfitness pal
  • Come home from work as soon as work finishes to do my schoolwork instead of staying there and getting fed up because I feel like its all I do
  • Get on the cross trainer for 20 minutes as soon as I get home with a minimum of 3 cross trainer sessions a week
  • Do schoolwork at the kitchen table so I’m not distracted by TV and  DO NOT OPEN FACEBOOK therefore I don’t end up procrastinating
  • Prioritise schoolwork and don’t work past 9 o’clock. Only open Facebook/watch TV once all my work is done or I hit the 9 o’clock curfew.

A simple plan which no doubt will fall at the first hurdle (namely going back to work!) but we can only try.

I am also going to try my absolute best to stop this negative smack talk conversation that I constantly have going on in my head. Maybe I can fool mydelf into thinking this diet, exercise and schoolwork lark is actually quite enjoyable!


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