Granola – The Healthy Calorie Sponge

imageI love granola. I love how it stays crunchy even after it’s been sat in milk for a while. I love the subtle sweetness without being sickly sweet, I love how you have to chew it a lot so you feel like it is a satisfying meal. I love it! The problem are the calories. They are huge! Granola is the calorie sponge of the dieting world. If I eat granola as a breakfast I tend to team it with some sultanas and dried cranberries and semi-skimmed milk, or maybe a banana in place of the raisins. This tends to soak up around 450-500 calories of my daily allowance. My daily allowance is only 1710kcals in the first place. But I love the granola, I don’t want to let it go 😦

granolaThis (left) is the brand I eat. I tend to have 60g for breakfast which sounds a lot but granola is heavy so it really isn’t! This morning I had 30g with strawberries and yoghurt (right) which was yummy but hasn’t really kept me as full as the 60g does. I read on other blogs and sites that in america there are lots of different varieties of low sugar/low fat/reduced calorie and I guess I could probably get these over the internet but they are expensive! The little village that I live in doesn’t really have the same variety so unfortunately I will have to just stick with it and reduce my calories in other meals or on other days. Oh and I can’t be bothered making it myself either!


So, I have planned all of my eating for next week, I have a meal out tomorrow and a gig watching Madness next weekend. I am feeling confident for the week ahead again. Weigh in day is tomorrow. I am not massively confident about this. I am predicting a 1lb loss at most. I know that I will have to deal with my usual negativity when I see a 1lb weightloss. ‘1lb is not enough’ is what my brain will say, I will be disappointed, annoyed, my heart will sink, ‘this is going to take forever’ is what I will think. Yes it will, it will take forever but thats the point; this is forever. I need to change the way I think about this and see and FEEL that this is a forever change. Anything more than 1lb would be amazing! Fingers crossed.


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