Week 1 Day 4 – Hitting the First Struggle

I am knackered! I can’t describe how knackered I am but its a lot! Again work is the cause. I haven’t been home before 6 any night this week and each night I have had to then do another couple of hours or more of work when I have arrived home. Averaging 13 hour days is taking its toll. So tonight I just want to eat and eat. I know it is just through tiredness and nothing else. I am craving sugar and all kinds of carbs! I’m putting my evening snack off; a white hot chocolate and a couple of squares of dark chocolate, until as late as possible. I am really glad I factored in the ‘chocolate’ need accurately in my planned eating week as being today. I definitely need it today!

Other than this things are still going really well with food and drink. My skin is starting to clear up somewhat, probably down to the 2+L of water I am drinking each day. I am peeing like a pregnant woman however! Still no walking done but I have accepted that this week is a right off in that department and I will try again next week.

Hot chocolate is calling me!